ONWA 航海电子产品常见问题
- 伽利略(欧盟)
- 全球定位系统(美国)
- 全球轨道导航卫星系统(俄罗斯)
- 北斗(中国)
Onwa 海图标绘仪支持哪些航海电子海图?
Onwa 全系列海图仪支持 4 种电子制图系统,分别是 Navionics+、C-Map MAX、K-Chart2.0 和 K-Chart3.0
Onwa 海图标绘仪支持哪些 NMEA 标准?
- KP-25 和 KP-27 系列支持 NMEA0183 和 NMEA2000
- KM-8 和 KM-12 系列支持 NMEA0183、NMEA2000 和 ONENET
ONWA KM 系列海图标绘仪具有哪些功能?
ONWA KM 系列海图标绘仪配备高分辨率触摸屏、集成 GPS 和先进的地图功能。它们提供实时更新、详细的海图和用户友好界面,可实现精确导航。
Onwa 绘图仪的防水标准是什么?
Onwa 绘图仪的防水标准为 IPX6。
如何更新 ONWA 绘图仪上的地图?
您可以从 K-Chart 网站下载最新更新的地图,并通过 SD 卡或 USB 驱动器将其传输到您的设备上,从而更新 ONWA 海图标绘仪上的地图。您也可以通过其网站购买相应的 C-MAP Max 或 Navionics+ 地图。
ONWA 海图标绘仪是否与其他航海电子设备兼容?
是的,ONWA 海图标绘仪的设计可与各种航海电子设备兼容,包括雷达、AIS 和鱼探仪,从而实现集成导航和数据共享。
可以使用 ONWA 海图标绘仪进行航线规划吗?
当然,ONWA 海图标绘仪提供全面的航线规划功能,包括航点管理、航线创建和自动航线优化,以确保安全高效的导航。
什么是 AIS 转发器?
什么是 B 级 AIS 转发器?
B 类 AIS 转发器主要供休闲船只和小型商船使用。所有 AIS 接收设备都能 "看到 "B 类转发器传输的信息。B 类应答器还能接收所有 A 类和 B 类 AIS 发射的信息。
什么是 B+ 级
Class B+ 是一种新标准,采用 SOTDMA 格式传输,可提供 5W 功率输出(比普通 Class B 功率高 2.5 倍),在交通繁忙地区可保证传输时间段,并可根据船舶速度加快更新速度。
ONWA 提供哪些类型的 AIS 产品?
ONWA 提供 A 级和 B 级 AIS 转发器、接收器和配件,以满足从商业航运到休闲游艇等各种海事应用的需求。
如何安装 ONWA AIS 转发器?
ONWA AIS 产品能否在海图仪上显示数据?
是的,ONWA AIS产品可在兼容的海图标绘仪上显示数据,在导航屏幕上直接显示附近船只的位置和移动情况。
ONWA AIS 转发器的范围是多少?
自动识别系统转发器的射程一般为视距,通常可达 20 海里,具体取决于天线的高度和环境条件。
Can Onwa AIS transponder stop AIS transmission ?
Yes, either Onwa AIS transponder black box or AIS/chartplotter can stop the AIS transmission.
What other functions can Onwa AIS support ?
Besides standard Class B+ AIS transponder functions, Onwa AIS transponder can also support the below functions :
- exactTrax satellite tracking
- text messaging between Onwa AIS transponders
- AIS track recording function
What is Autopilot system ?
An autopilot system is to steer a boat in a set course.
What is included in Onwa autopilot system (KAP-866) ?
Onwa autopilot system includes the below standard items :
– A control and display unit
– A heading sensor
– A rudder feedback unit
Can Onwa autopilot system (KAP-866) steer according the set route of a GPS navigator or a marine chartplotter ?
What data format does Onwa autopilot system (KAP-866) accept for waypoint or route navigation ?
Onwa autopilot accepts NMEA0183 APA or APB or XTE+BOD
What steering systems do Onwa autopilot (KAP-866) support ?
Onwa autopilot system supports hydraulic steering system with solenoid valve installed.
Can Onwa autopilot system (KAP-866) to work with other steering systems ? Such as reversing motor ?
Yes, please consult Onwa distributors for details.
Can Onwa autopilot system (KAP-866) accept stepper or synchro interfaces from old Gyrocompass ?
It needs to add a Gyro to NMEA converter (KGN-200) to convert the stepper or synchro interfaces signal to NMEA0183.
What is a marine radar ?
A marine radar is used to detect other ships and land obstacles for collision avoidance.
What is the difference of a radome and open array antenna ?
Longer the antenna array, better target resolution and discrimination. Therefore the target resolution and discrimination of open array antenna is better than radome antenna.
Beside to use Onwa radar display, can Onwa marine radar antennas to use with other display ?
Onwa marine radar antennas support Ethernet connection. All Onwa marine radar antennas can use with Onwa MFD or PC software provided by Onwa.
ONWA 航海雷达系统的范围有多大?
ONWA 船用雷达系统的探测范围因型号而异,但通常从几海里到 72 海里不等。
ONWA 雷达系统能否与其他航海电子设备集成?
是的,ONWA KM 系列雷达系统可与海图标绘仪、AIS 和其他导航系统集成,为您提供周围环境的全面视图。
ONWA 雷达系统需要哪些维护?
What is fishfinder ?
Fishfinder allow anglers to see graphically what is happening below the boat so they can identify fish.
What is CHIRP fishfinder ?
CHIRP is the abbreviation of “COMPRESSED HIGH-INTENSITY RADIATED PULSE TECHNOLOGY”. Instead of sending a single frequency at a time as traditional fishfinder, CHIRP fishfinder sends a sweep frequencies.
What is different of traditional fishfinder and a CHIRP fishfinder ?
CHIRP fishfinder can deliver much better target resolution than traditional fishfinder system, improved target resolution enables you to have more clear picture of underwater structure.