ONWA Marine Electronics FAQ

What is a Chartplotter ?

A chartplotter is a marine navigation device that integrates GNSS data with a marine electronic chart.

Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) refers to any satellite constellation that provides global positioning navigation, nowadays several GNSS are currently available:

  • Galileo(EU)
  • GPS (USA)
  • GLONASS (Russia)
  • BeiDou (China)

Using signals from space, each of these systems transmits ranging and timing data to GNSS receivers onboard a vessel to determine the location of the vessel.

Full series of Onwa chartplotter supports 4 electronic charting system, which are Navionics+, C-Map MAX, K-Chart2.0 and K-Chart3.0

–  KP-25 and KP-27 series support NMEA0183 and NMEA2000

–  KM-8 and KM-12 series support NMEA0183, NMEA2000 and ONENET

The data format of user data (waypoints, routes, tracks etc.) is called ODF (Onwa data format).

The waterproof standard of Onwa chartplotters is IPX6.

Yes, Onwa provides a PC data exchange software to convert Onwa data format (ODF) to GPX

What is AIS transponder?

Automatic identification systems (AIS) transponders are designed to be capable of providing position, identification and other information about the ship to other ships and to coastal authorities automatically.

Class B AIS Transponders are mainly used by recreational vessels and smaller commercial vessels. Information transmitted by Class B transponders can be “seen” by all AIS receiving equipment. Class B transponders also receive all Class A and Class B AIS transmissions.

Class B+, a new standard, utilizes SOTDMA format transmissions which offer a 5W power output (2.5x more powerful than a regular Class B), a guaranteed time slot for transmission in busy traffic areas and faster update rates depending upon the speed of the vessel.

All Onwa AIS transponders are Class B+ AIS transponder

Yes, either Onwa AIS transponder black box or AIS/chartplotter can stop the AIS transmission.

Besides standard Class B+ AIS transponder functions, Onwa AIS transponder can also support the below functions :

  • exactTrax satellite tracking
  • text messaging between Onwa AIS transponders
  • AIS track recording function
What is Autopilot system ?

An autopilot system is to steer a boat in a set course.

Onwa autopilot system includes the below standard items :

– A control and display unit

– A heading sensor

– A rudder feedback unit


Onwa autopilot accepts NMEA0183 APA or APB or XTE+BOD

Onwa autopilot system supports hydraulic steering system with solenoid valve installed.

Yes, please consult Onwa distributors for details.

It needs to add a Gyro to NMEA converter (KGN-200) to convert the stepper or synchro interfaces signal to NMEA0183.

What is a marine radar ?

A marine radar is used to detect other ships and land obstacles for collision avoidance.

Longer the antenna array, better target resolution and discrimination. Therefore the target resolution and discrimination of open array antenna is better than radome antenna.

Onwa marine radar antennas support Ethernet connection. All Onwa marine radar antennas can use with Onwa MFD or PC software provided by Onwa.

What is fishfinder ?

Fishfinder allow anglers to see graphically what is happening below the boat so they can identify fish.

CHIRP is the abbreviation of “COMPRESSED HIGH-INTENSITY RADIATED PULSE TECHNOLOGY”. Instead of sending a single frequency at a time as traditional fishfinder, CHIRP fishfinder sends a sweep frequencies.

CHIRP fishfinder can deliver much better target resolution than traditional fishfinder system, improved target resolution enables you to have more clear picture of underwater structure.

What is MFD ?

MFD includes almost all navigational functions that mostly use onboard a vessel, such as chartplotter, GNSS

navigation, wind display, fishfinder, AIS, marine radar, gauges etc

Onwa MFD KM series provides 8”(KM-8) and 12” (KM-12) color LCD display includes the below built-in

options :

– KM-8/KM-12 : built-in GNSS navigator

– KM-8A/KM-12A : built-in Class B+ AIS transponder and GNSS navigator

– KM-8C/KM-12C : built-in fishfinder and GNSS navigator- KM-8X/KM-12X : built-in Class B+ AIS transponder, fishfinder and GNSS navigator

An Onwa marine radar antenna (radome or open array) needs to be added to make Onwa MFD to become

a marine radar display.

For details please consult your local Onwa dealer.

Yes, fishfinder function, marine radar function and NMEA data (OINENET) can be shared among Onwa MFD

onboard by adding a KM-router and connected all Onwa MFD to KM-router by an Ethernet cable.

For details please consult your local Onwa dealer.

Onwa MFD supports NMEA0183, NMEA2000 and ONENET

Yes, Onwa MFD can convert all NMEA0183 to NMEA2000 and ONENET.

Also Onwa MFD can convert all external data from NMEA2000 and ONENET port to NMEA0183.

Therefore Onwa MFD can use as a NMEA0183/NMEA2000/ONENET converter

Beside Onwa marine radar antenna, Onwa MFD can also support SIMRAD solid state marine radar.

For details please consult your local Onwa dealer.


What NMEA devices do Onwa has ?

Onwa has a series of NMEA devices, KMD-210, KMD-550, KMD-402 and KC-2W

KMD-210 amplifies the NMEA input data then distributes the NMEA input data to 10 output ports

KMD-550 also amplifies the NMEA input then distributes the NMEA input data to 15 output ports

KMD-402 can combines 4 input NMEA data into one then provides same combined data on two output


KC-2W is to convert NMEA2000 to NMEA0183 and vice versa.

KC-2W also provides WIFI function for configuration and data output purposes